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来源:http://www.kuangjingjixie.com/ 发布时间:2021-06-18 浏览次数:0

装载机是一种广泛用于公路、铁路、建筑、水电、港口、矿山等建设工程的土石方施工机械,它主要用于铲装土壤、砂石、石灰、煤炭等散状物料,也可对矿石、硬土等作轻度铲挖作业。矿井装载机是用于矿山的,为了预防矿井装载机刹车失灵,造成 人员伤害设备损坏下面是小编给大家分享的关于矿井装载机驾驶员要遵守的规定。
Loader is a kind of earthwork construction machinery which is widely used in highway, railway, construction, hydropower, port, mine and other construction projects. It is mainly used for shoveling soil, sand, lime, coal and other bulk materials. It can also be used for light shoveling of ore and hard soil. The mine loader is used in the mine. In order to prevent the brake failure of the mine loader, causing personal injury and equipment damage, the following is the regulations that the driver of the mine loader should abide by.
In the face of the sudden failure of the vehicle brake, the driver of the mine loader should deal with it calmly, use the terrain and other available conditions to decelerate as much as possible, drive the vehicle to a flat place and stop immediately.
矿井装载机上坡时出现刹车失灵,应适时减入低速挡,保持足够的动力驶上坡顶停车。如需半坡停车,应保持前进低挡位,拉紧手制动,如有后滑现象,车尾应朝向煤壁、岩壁或安 全一面,并打开大灯和紧急信号灯,引起后方车辆的注意。
In case of brake failure when the mine loader ascends the slope, it is necessary to reduce to low gear in time to keep enough power to drive up the slope and stop. If you need to stop at half slope, you should keep the forward low gear, tighten the hand brake, if there is a back slip phenomenon, the rear of the car should face the coal wall, rock wall or safety side, and turn on the headlights and emergency signal lights to attract the attention of the rear vehicles.
When the downhill brake fails, and the vehicle can't control the speed by its own mechanism, or can't find a suitable object to reduce the speed, the driver should decisively use the steel parts such as one side of the car to get close to the coal wall or rock wall without cable or water pipe, and increase the resistance by friction and collision, so as to achieve the purpose of forced parking and escape, and reduce the accident loss as much as possible.
Improve the management of mine loader, strictly require the driver to operate in accordance with the operating procedures and auxiliary transportation management methods.
严禁矿用装载机超 速行驶。
It is strictly forbidden for the mine loader to drive over the speed limit.
加强运输安 全教育培训,认真学习事故案例,吸取事故教训,总结经验。
Strengthen transportation safety education and training, seriously study accident cases, draw lessons from accidents and sum up experience.
In the process of running, the driver should step on the brake before going up and down the slope regardless of the situation. It can not only test the brake performance, but also gain the time to control the speed when the brake fails.
When running in downhill section, use low gear.
The driver of the mine loader should maintain the brake system of the vehicle on time to prevent the brake failure caused by the lack of brake oil, aging of oil pipe and serious wear of brake pad
The above is a small series for you to introduce the relevant content of the mine loader, hope to help you. More highlights can be directly focused on: http://www.kuangjingjixie.com